Action Drama Comedy

One Job

"ONE JOB" hilariously chronicles the misadventures of the world's least competent assassin, Steady. Tasked with one final job that he's desperately told not to mess up, Steady must pick up his target from the airport. This darkly humorous narrative takes audiences on a rollercoaster of slapstick comedy and unexpected turns, emphasizing that sometimes, the job does itself.


One Job

"ONE JOB" hilariously chronicles the misadventures of the world's least competent assassin, Steady. Tasked with one final job that he's desperately told not to mess up, Steady must pick up his target from the airport. This darkly humorous narrative takes audiences on a rollercoaster of slapstick comedy and unexpected turns, emphasizing that sometimes, the job does itself.

Production year 2024
Genre Action, Drama, Comedy,
Duration 7m 3s